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Carmina Burana [ Carl Orff ] CD / Classical $5.00

Price: $5.00
Condition: B
In Stock: 1
Weight: 0.12 kg
1. Fortuna Imperatix Mundi: O Fortuna 2:47
2. Fortuna Imperatix Mundi: Fortune Plango Vulnera 2:47
3. Primo Vere: Veris Leta Facies 3:37
4. Primo Vere: Omnia Sol Temperat 2:08
5. Primo Vere: Ecce Gratum 2:49
6. Uf Dem Anger: Tanz 1:49
7. Uf Dem Anger: Floret Siva 3:51
8. Uf Dem Anger: Chramer, Gip Die Varwe Mir 3:43
9. Uf Dem Anger: Reie 2:03
10. Uf Dem Anger: Swaz Hie Gat Umbe 0:37
11. Uf Dem Anger: Chume, Chum Geselle Min 1:56
12. Uf Dem Anger: Swaz Hie Gat Umbe 0:39
13. Uf Dem Anger: Were Diu Werlt Alle Min 0:58
14. In Taberna: Estuans Interius 2:32
15. In Taberna: Olim Lacus Colueram 3:47
16. In Taberna: Ego Sum Abbas 1:29
17. In Taberna: In Taberna Quando Sum 3:21
18. Cour D'amours: Amor Volat Undique 3:30
19. Cour D'amours: Dies, Nox Et Omnia 2:24
20. Cour D'amours: Stetit Puella 2:28
21. Cour D'amours: Circa Mea Pectora 2:28
22. Cour D'amours: Si Puer Cum Puellula 1:01
23. Cour D'amours: Veni, Veni, Venias 1:03
24. Cour D'amours: In Trutina 2:18
25. Cour D'amours: Tempus Est Iocundum 2:32
26. Cour D'amours: Dulcissima 0:44
27. Blanziflor Et Helena: Ave Formosissima 1:42
28. Fortuna Imperatix Mundi: O Fortuna

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